Super fishy. Journalist Michael Hastings' mysterious car crash and death at 4 am has people scratching their heads. But now the police and fire departments have been instructed not to speak on the incident. Also no skid marks were found at the scene, and the Mercedes auto manufacturer claims their cars are designed not to catch fire nor blow up.
Hastings indicated the day before his death that he believed he was being investigated by the FBI. He also emailed a friend the day before and said he was working on the "biggest story yet".
From Wikipedia: In an email to colleagues, which was copied to and released by Sgt. Biggs, Hastings warned that the FBI might interview them.[42][43] WikiLeaks announced that Hastings had also contacted one of its lawyers a few hours prior to the crash.[44] The FBI released a statement denying that Hastings was being investigated.[41]
Michael Hastings: Police and Fire TOLD not to comment