Was perusing Homes and Hues (a new website by, VideoSift friend, Neatorama) and saw this really awesome carbon fiber bathtub that's, get this, shaped like a hammock.
The two ends hang on opposite walls, the faucet raises up from the floor, and there is a plug in the center directly above a drain in the floor. I would so love to be so impractical as to have an awesome tub like this, if even just to bathe my sons (because it looks like it'd be much easier than a standard tub since you can sit with your legs beneath it).
The only thing I'm wondering is where the knobs are to control the faucet. Anyway, go take a look at this and the other fascinating content: http://www.homesandhues.com/The-Hammock-Bathtub/
<img src="http://cdn.homesandhues.com/images/gallery/29/0/29/24_The-Hammock-Bathtub_0-f.jpg">
Carbon Fiber Hammock Bathtub